Sunday, July 11, 2010

Dear Catastrophe Waitress, can I get the coq au vin?

In Brooklyn, there is this cute restaurant called Le Barricou that my friend and I frequented. He always ordered the grilled chicken sandwich with fries and I, the coq au vin with mashed potatoes. It is this magical dish made of common ingredients (chicken, pearl onions, red wine, bacon), but concocted in such a way to produce chicken (technically it is supposed to be old rooster, but who knows) that is juicy, falling-off-the bone delicious. And to top it off, the entire dish is swimming in my favorite thing...sauce. A red wine reduction with hints of bacon that marries with those mashed potatoes so perfectly that I literally lick the plate at the end. Now my hope upon arriving in France was that I could get this dish, a rather traditional, old school, french country staple, and it would make Le Barricou's version look like something from the freezer section. So every day, I walk by tons of restaurants and quickly skim the menu looking for it, and alas, it is never there. Beef tartare, duck confit, and hamburgers are always there. I want to cry.

This weekend I met a restaurant owner who said that it has basically gone out of style. How weird that I can't get a yummy, stewed chicken dish because it just isn't cool anymore. I understand that it was a poor man's dish, and that there is nothing particularly special about it. But, that being said, I love duck and beef and fish far more than I normally like chicken. In fact, I would say that it is rare that I order a chicken dish of any kind. Ok, I'm not a picky eater either, but this dish is really freaking delicious, so much flavor...and sauce, how can it be too old school? I am still on the search, I've heard rumor that it may be served at a restaurant called Chez Georges. Now my only dilemma is to determine which Chez Georges it is. One, which caters to the stock exchange crowd, is in the 2nd arrondissement and has the history I like, opened in 1964 and run by three generations of the same family. The other is in the 17th and has been around since the 1920's, so really either option seems appealing. Bonus points to the one in the 2nd for being within walking distance from my house. Chez Georges (whichever one) has moved to the top of my "must eat" list.

Wish me luck...

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