Wednesday, July 14, 2010


Now I'm not one for dressing up or spending too much time worrying about how I look. I prefer to go for comfort over style, and less is more when it comes to makeup and accessories. So, why is it that I keep getting this very unwanted man attention? There is no cleavage to be gawked at or uber high heels and dresses to show off my legs. Is it that the only vocabulary these men know in English is of a vulgar nature? Whatever it is, I am over it! I don't like people touching me in general, and when drinking is involved I don't like to feel hunted. I end up completely miserable, uncomfortable and desperate to run back to my hermit hole and hide. I miss my true male friends! There are those guys out there that can be friends with a female, have actual discussions about something other than sexual positions, have no ulterior motives and would be sure to take care of you should you have one too many. Here, I really just don't feel safe. And, in reality, I know most of the guys are harmless and I am sure that it is meant to flatter, but I still can't stand it. I'm not looking or trying and if I was, you would know it because I'm not shy. So, not that any French men are reading this, but back the fuck off, cause you are ruining the joy of my evenings out in Paris. I suppose the bonus is that I am drinking more water and saving money on booze :) Must find that silver lining...

So, as the title states, my plan of attack for going out is to hit the 90:10 gay to straight ratio. I want to go dancing and not be molested or propositioned or really even spoken to. I'd like to close my eyes, sing out loud and dance in my nice little air space free of other inhabitants.

Ok, so that is my rant for today. I would also like to say that I have met a few nice guys so this doesn't apply to everyone, and there may even be one that can enter my air space.

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