Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Never judge a person by the quantity of black attire

I have to admit, when I did the google map search of my Parisian address, I was a little surprised by what I found. I would be living above a goth clothing shop. Upon googling the shop (http://www.boyloovegirl.com/), there were images of vampire kids and folks of all ages clothed from head to toe in black. Admittedly, I did some stereotyping, profiling, whatever you'd like to call it. Granted this group of individuals doesn't necessary bring up any sort of specific fear, as even in my mind they only wander about in groups, quietly displaying their inner angst via black platform lace up boots and long coats. I'd take that any day over noisy, drunk clans of young people. Besides, who doesn't love vampires these days!?! If you can rock that look like Alexander Skarsgard, then please, by all means, do so!

Regardless, all of my ideas have been completely blown out of the water. The owners of the store (I believe it is a husband and wife) are two of the sweetest people ever. The man, and he just told me his name and I've forgotten already (it is as if I have a mental block against absorbing any words that sound french), has been one of the nicest and most welcoming people I have encountered. He did not judge me at all for not speaking French, and easily slipped into English. I think I won them over with my tattoo, or at least that is what sparked our initial conversation. And today, he just invited me to meet him and the other guy that works there for a beer on Friday. In addition, he said that if I have any trouble with the apartment or anything in the neighborhood to let him know. How awesome is that!

Just a happy note...

1 comment:

  1. Ok, so I would like to alter this a bit. I was totally, utterly, and quite sadly wrong. What I mistook for kindness was really would-like-to-get-in-your-pants-ness. The owner is not married to the lady co-worker, but instead to a Russian woman. They have two kids, and he apparently also has 4-5 lovers (so he says.) So, I am retracting the happy note and changing it to a gross note.
