Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Burritos, margaritas, chips & salsa, oh my!

I can rarely use this statement, but google failed me! I searched for "burritos Paris" and received a very unsatisfying list of blogs bitching about the lack of just that. The results ranged from Paris Hilton in Rio to David Lebovitz's conversion from self-proclaimed San Franciscan burrito king to Parisian le poulet roti boy (that's right, I said boy). So too bad for you losers, cause I hit the Mexican food jackpot today.

I was just minding my own business on the Rue Dauphine, headed straight for the Village Voice to pick up some new reading material when I happened upon the word "Fajitas." I did an about face and marched right back to that word. There it was, "Fajitas Mexican Restaurant." I have walked down this exact street at least five times already and somehow, I just missed it. All the things I love and miss were on that menu, margaritas, chips & salsa, guacamole, and BURRITOS!! Since I knew exactly where I was, there was no need to bust out the journal and write down the address. It exists!! A burrito in Paris, so close to my house no less, exists! I wasn't hungry, so I kept moving, but the joy of knowing that I had a weekly spot just waiting for me was fabulous!

Today was great! I purchased some new books, ordered some others and hit the Jardin de Luxemborg for some sun. Sitting in the sun doesn't usually make you hungry, but it does make you want a frozen margarita...and some aqua! I trotted happily back to Fajitas and, just as I suspected, was greeted so kindly by the staff. I ordered a frozen margarita and chips & salsa, thinking I wasn't hungry. I downed that, the chips were exactly like I
like, thin, crispy and perfectly salted and the salsa was delicious. To me that is the indicator of a good Mexican restaurant, perfect chips and salsa. I ordered another margarita and settled in for a bit to start reading The Sun Also Rises. I learned that the waitress was Colombian and the other lady (the owner) was from Massachusetts. The owner, Amy, then came over, to correct the waitress who said she was from Boston, and we struck up a conversation. She came to Paris to study abroad while in college and fell in love. She has been living here for 2o yrs. She married a man from Veracruz, Mexico and he, Miguel, is the co-owner and head chef of Fajitas. They opened the restaurant 9 years ago, and the menu was created by Miguel. The atmosphere is just what you would expect from a Mexican restaurant, even one in France, relaxed, comfortable and welcoming. They all speak perfect English, Spanish and French, so there are no worries when heading inside. You just get to enjoy your time!

After my second margarita, I decided I was hungry enough to try out some small appetizers. I ordered the ceviche and taquitos con pollo. Amy was super sweet and attentive, made sure that everything was good, gave me some extra jalapenos and even a tequila shooter after I paid the bill. Let's just say I was completely happy, and maybe a wee bit tipsy. I let them know that they better ready a table because they'll be seeing me at least once a week for my burrito fix (I'm be ready next time!)

So if you are in the 6th and want to have a nice, yummy meal, then head to Fajitas, 15 Rue Dauphine!! I'll probably be there! Sorry, Lobo, I love you too!

With a full belly, I walked home in the perfect weather, crossing the Seine at sunset, which by the way is around 10-10:30 pm. Not a bad day, if I do say so myself!

Tomorrow is the big shopping sales day Paris-wide, better rest up! Saint Germain, Rue de Seine, here I come!

Good night!

1 comment:

  1. This post made me so happy I think I'm crying a little!!!
