Tuesday, June 22, 2010

And back to food

As you've probably noticed, I have veered away from food up to now (minus my depressing crepe conundrum). And now, we're back on topic. I had a week of mini-depression because I came to the realization that I am, in fact, not on vacation. Usually when I travel, I eat out for every meal, and do so with the knowledge that my job is waiting for me upon return so I can pay off those pesky credit card bills. This adventure is a wee bit different, I quit my job and now have a 3 month lease on an apartment in Paris. I must really think about the money I spend.

So here is the master plan. Each week I will go explore various areas of Paris in search for the ideal cafe. My initial judgments will be based solely on the location (sunny, not on a main street, looks tidy), the look of the clientele (smiling faces in front of delicious looking meals) and the specials on their boards (is the plat du jour deal look appetizing as well splurge worthy). I will bring along my trusty notebook to jot down the street & restaurant names, then go back to my apartment to do what I do best...google! If you have seen my facebook page, I am a sucker for the historical factoids about locations. So the older, more exciting and obscure, the more willing I am to spend more money at the place. All of those factors will play into my two meals out per week. I am giving myself one lunch in the sun and one romantic dinner-for-one per week. The rest of the time, I will be hitting the Monop! and enjoying the gazpacho & bread combo that has sustained me thus far. Oh, and I rediscovered chocolate pudding, so good!!

So now, it is 73 degrees and beautifully sunny, so I am off to explore Le Marais for my first "week in food" installment. I already spotted a few places last weekend, but did not write them down, so I have to hope that I meander in the same direction and stumble upon them again.

Have a lovely day, les enfants!

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